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- 愿知识之光普照大地。. The Right Kind of Light.
愿知识之光普照大地。. The Right Kind of Light.
户外 area lighting has long been plagued by a seemingly simple problem. Users want efficiency, comfort AND control, all in the same luminaire. But choosing any two can compromise the third. 直到现在.
户外 area lighting has long been plagued by a seemingly simple problem. Users want efficiency, comfort AND control … all in the same luminaire.
But choosing any two can compromise the third. 直到现在.
All The Performance of NanoOptic® Technology With Even Greater Comfort
NanoComfort®Technology将二十年来突破性光学工程的最佳成果提炼成具有近乎普遍适用性的模块化系统. Like the NanoOptic® Technology that preceded it, NanoComfort® Technology delivers excellent efficiency 和 control, while elevating visual comfort to new levels. NanoComfort®十大赌博信誉的平台为高效率增加了无与伦比的眩光控制和视觉舒适性, 精确控制照明,使NanoOptic®十大赌博信誉的平台成为户外照明的行业标准.
Like NanoOptic® Technology, NanoComfort®十大赌博信誉的平台利用了led是180°或更小范围内发光的点源这一事实. Contrast that to bulbs, which throw out light in more or less 360°. 这意味着它们产生的至少一半的光必须重新定向到有用的地方——而这不可避免地降低了效率和精确控制.
NanoComfort®Technology的基本组成部分是紧凑的4x4 led阵列. 模块中的16个led中的每一个都与自己的丙烯酸聚合物透镜接触 捕获 以及精确的直射光——保持效率和控制的黄金标准.
These tiny sources pack a lot of 亮度 into a small surface area. 到目前为止,把所有的光都塞到一个小空间里可能会导致光线粗糙、像素化和眩光.
So How Do We Manage Glare in Our 户外 Spaces at Night?
照明工程学会(IES)对眩光的十大赌博信誉的平台定义是“由光线内部的亮度产生的感觉” 视野 that is sufficiently greater than the 亮度 to which the eyes are adapted causing annoyance, discomfort, or loss in 视觉表现 和 可见性.DarkSky将眩光定义为“导致视觉不适的过度亮度”. Most of us might have a hard time defining what glare is, but all of us know it when we see it, 不幸的是, we likely see it far too often in our outdoor spaces at night.
If we agree that we don’t like glare, why does it seem so common? First, glare is not a new phenomenon, created by LED luminaires. HID灯具,LED十大赌博信誉的平台的前身,当然在与眩光作斗争. Second, non-uniformities in our 视野 enhance the perception of glare. An example would be bright headlights approaching you at night. 这个明亮的光源被黑暗包围的对比当然会带来与眩光有关的挑战. But if that same vehicle, with the same headlights, at the same intensity, approached you during the daytime, there’d be very little contrast 和 no glare concerns. 不幸的是,认识到减少夜间眩光并不是一件容易的事,这一点很重要. Like headlights at night, 在黑暗的天空中观看照明装置会产生明显的对比和潜在的眩光.
虽然管理停车场应用中的眩光可能很困难,但这是可能的. 在相同的光输出下——在其他条件相同的情况下——会有更多的光源, producing less light individually, over a broader surface area, will be more successful at managing glare than fewer light sources, producing more light individually, over a smaller surface area. 克里族照明’s OSQ Series C 前者呢?, 然后通过NanoComfort®十大赌博信誉的平台进一步增强视觉体验, 在每个光学元件上雕刻和切割切面,以减轻其他LED全国十大赌博官网中常见的眩光和强光.
减少眩光的另一个重要方法是限制光源的直接视野. For street 和 area lighting, 这意味着不再使用需要倾斜的全国十大赌博官网,不再相信倾斜和瞄准光线是一件好事. DarkSky的灯具批准印章和设计灯联盟(DLC) LUNA(夜间应用的光使用)项目都寻求将光污染降到最低, 包括眩光, by limiting the tilting of fixtures to no more than +/- 10 degrees, intended for leveling purposes only. 精心设计的全国十大赌博官网可以与地面平行瞄准,以减少光源的直接视野, while still optically distributing light effectively on target, with no tilt required.
High angle light can also prove problematic as it relates to glare. The IES’s B-U-G Rating system (Backlight, 亮光和眩光)包括试图更好地预测给定灯具可能产生的眩光量的元素. 就眩光而言, 该系统关注的是60度角或以上(高眩光区和极高眩光区)产生的光量,这些光比低角度产生的光不成比例地产生更多的眩光. This is not a perfect system, 在某些情况下, 更高角度的光需要在更宽的灯杆间距基础上提供足够的光照水平. Even for new construction projects, placing poles more closely together could require more poles 和 fixtures, leading to more cost 和 energy consumption. 因此, B-U-G Ratings may be better suited as a secondary metric, 经过照明设计合格的两个或多个潜在全国十大赌博官网就其达到所需照明性能的能力而言. Once these acceptable solutions are identified, preference could be given to the product with the lowest “G” rating. Specifying a “G” rating first may prove too constraining, 和 potentially prevent lighting objectives from being achieved.
Shielding can also be deployed to help mask the light source. The downside to this approach is that shielding also reduces delivered lumens, but not energy consumption. 在可能的情况下, 一个更好的方法是找到光学上更好的全国十大赌博官网,可以在没有屏蔽的情况下限制眩光. 然而, since glare can be somewhat subjective, 和 since site-specific conditions can vary greatly, it is unlikely that the need for shielding will go away completely.
How Can You Find Optically Superior 全国十大赌博官网?
The answer is through lighting design…
照明设计有助于在应用层面验证优秀的光学设计. 照明设计也提供了有价值的指导,根据应用的需要适当的光线水平,可以帮助减少过度照明我们的户外空间. Many fail to realize the problems created by over-lighting at night. 它会导致超支(购买比你需要更多的流明,花费更多的能量来产生不必要的光),并将更多的光引入到应用程序中, which leads to increased light pollution, including increased glare.
如今,人们比以往任何时候都更加关注光污染,包括眩光. 但意识本身并不能带来更好的结果,因为它涉及到我们户外空间的眩光. Our nighttime environments will only improve one application at a time, 和 only with knowledgeable participants that are committed to doing better. 在某些情况下, 这一承诺将意味着花更多的钱购买更有效地管理眩光问题的优质全国十大赌博官网, while improving the nighttime lighting experience for us all.
… 和 products 和 technologies you can count on.
With 克里族照明’s new NanoComfort® Technology, you can eliminate the trade-offs in outdoor lighting. 丙烯酸光学被雕刻和切割成减轻眩光和严酷的方面. 因此,您可以捕获并精确地引导光线,以提供卓越的视觉舒适度, appearance 和 high efficiency, with the confidence that lumens only go where you want them.
回报? 更好的光 对所有.
Oh - 和 克里族照明灯具采用NanoComfort®十大赌博信誉的平台,在美国制造.S.A.